Wi-Fi 6E/7 Vertical Location

With NextNav Pinnacle, meet FCC’s WiFi 6E/7 Access Point (AP) vertical location reporting requirements to the Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) system

Automated geolocation of WiFi access points with floor-level precision

Challenge: Vertical Geolocation and Automated Reporting

How do you meet the FCC requirement to add an accurate height for each AP in your network and maximize the AP power of operation with a cost effective solution that does not involve manual surveys or truck rolls?

Solution: NextNav Pinnacle

NextNav’s Pinnacle vertical location service is the industry leader in providing accurate height information for a variety of applications.

  • Height generation using real-time pressure data from standard barometric sensors in devices
  • Simple integration of Pinnacle API to get height above ground information
  • Vertical location accuracy already proven in FCC and CTIA independent testing
  • Currently used for vertically locating first responders by FirstNET and users to meet FCC 911 z-axis regulation

Benefits for WiFi Access Point Operators

  • Automate the height reporting of APs to AFCs by integrating a barometric sensor and using Pinnacle API
  • Pinnacle API provides height above ground information out-of-the-box at 95% confidence per FCC regulation – ready to report as-is with AFCs
  • Real-time height generation enables flexible deployments and reducing installation complexity
  • Eliminates need to manually and/or statically survey the height of AP installs – reducing error and cost
  • Allows for detection if an AP is moved after installation – reducing regulatory risk

How it Works

A barometric pressure-based solution can provide the most accurate height above ground value for each Wi-Fi AP.  The solution involves:

Pinnacle Vertical Location Service

Pinnacle Vertical Location Service

Converting the pressure reading from the barometric sensor in the AP into an accurate height above ground vertical location value at 95% confidence – even in severe weather conditions by using live, accurate reference pressure data.

Device sends reading. NextNav altitude station data.
WiFi AP/OEM Operator

WiFi AP/OEM Operator

Adding a stable low-drift barometric sensor to each AP that can consistently report the observed pressure at the AP within +/-10-15Pa of reality, ideally for the life of the device.

NextNav Cloud sends altitude.
Automated Frequency Coordination

Automated Frequency Coordination

Reporting the height value to the AFC based on the chosen architecture of each AP.

Device sends reading. NextNav altitude station data. NextNav Cloud sends altitude.

Pinnacle features

Vertical location data with +/- 3 meter accuracy

Add altitude awareness to latitude and longitude data for more precise location of people and assets

Network of altitude stations

Precisely surveyed, high density network that delivers “floor level”, real time altitude data nationwide

Network maintained by NextNav

Pinnacle data comes from by a proprietary network, operated and maintained by NextNav for high availability

Metro-wide coverage

Consistent vertical location capabilities available throughout large urban markets; no need for building-specific infrastructure

Works with most existing and new devices

Available through a simple software upgrade to devices with barometric pressure sensors

Multiple integration options

Easy-to-use SDK and API options make it easy to integrate 3D geolocation technology into existing applications. Learn more at our Developers site

Security and Compliance

NextNav’s Pinnacle System has successfully undergone an independent SOC 2 T-II (Service Organization Controls) examination relevant to “Security” & “Confidentiality” criteria

NextNav Certified Program

NextNav Certified Program

While NextNav Pinnacle technology works with existing barometric pressure sensors in devices, we’re helping to improve the quality and accuracy of barometric pressure sensors in the industry through our NextNav Certified program.

Meeting FCC Requirements for
Wi-Fi 6E/7 with Accurate Geolocation

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